In this post, I'm going to show you How to rank on the first page your Youtube latest video on Google search engine. In fact, this article so fantastic and important for you.

If you want to know about this topic, so stay with us, I will teach you all about Youtube SEO for 1st rank step by step, so let's go for do this.

Hi, I'm Omer Khan from and today I'm happy for this article to teach you.

YouTube Seo - Tips 1st

First of all, you must create a beautiful Youtube channel, many people make a Youtube channel, and don't focus on the name of his new Youtube channel.

This is so important thing that you should remember in the first step.

You must choose a beautiful and intrusting name for your Youtube channel if possible choose two or three words for the name of your Youtube channel.

Remember! go to and search a word and choose a name that doesn't exist on Youtube, such us on the below image. And click on the (Filter) and choose the channel.

YouTube Seo - Tips 2sd

On the second step, you should make your video longer between (10-15 minutes), many people also search on Google search, why longer video is best then shorter video, I will explain this question below.

If you want your video on the first position of Google page, you must create your video longer, and this is the policy of Google, and also Google gives the best rank to longer video the smaller or shorter video, see this photo, and you look at this video longer tutorial.

YouTube Seo - Tips 3rd

On this step, I mention to you, add the normal title to your video, and use a longer description and write a unique article on your video description.

The minimum size of words is from 800 to 1000 words.

YouTube Seo - Tips 4th

Now you must add shorter tags to your own video, use normally shorter tags If your video title is (How to Boost My Youtube Channel), you should use tags like this:

1: Youtube 2: Channel 3: How to Boost

and use more tags, and you can also check the tags creator tool. The minimum size of tags is from 10 to 15.

YouTube Seo - Tips 5th

After publishing your video, you must share your Youtube video on social media, if you have a social media profile, so share your video with your friends.

After these tips, wait 1 week to your video, and after 1 week you will see your video in the first position of Google Search Engine.

Now all things are done.

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